Whenever we study the Word of God it is important that we understand and believe that every word of the Bible is inspired by God. Every if, but, therefore, etc. are all the design and intention of the Lord. So, when we read the Bible we must take not of every word since each moves our thinking to the place the Spirit intended as He spoke through men who wrote as they were inspired.
In our passage today there is one such word that is crucial to seeing the heart of what Paul is teaching the Philippian church and, unfortunately, too often the text is misapplied because this word is neglected. The word I am referring to is the first word in verse 6 of the English Standard Version, “And.” And is a connecting term; it connects what is before it (verses 5) with what comes after it (verses and 7). Verse 6 then, is a continuation of what Paul was teaching in verse 5 as he highlighted the Philippian’s partnership with him in the advancement of the gospel.
When we read verse 6 we teach that Paul is saying that God will finish what He started, period. From that, we tend to believe and think that God simply acts and finishes without any concern for who we are or whether or not we are participating in the advancement of the gospel. Many preach a doctrine of eternal security from this text in a way that minimizes what the Lord is actually saying. It is true that God will finish what He started but, according to the word “And,” it must not be missed that God finishes what He started in those who are committed to advancing the gospel.
In essence Paul is saying, “since you are demonstrating your commitment to Christ in your partnership in advancing the gospel, I am sure that the Lord who started that work in you will finish it.” In other words, Paul looks at the work of the Lord already evident in them (their partnering in the gospel) and concludes that the Lord will finish what He certainly began. That they are committed to the gospel makes Paul certain that God started a work in them and he says in verse 7 “it is right for me to feel this way…because you are partakers with me of grace, both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel.” That they stood with Paul in defense of the gospel proved that the grace of the Lord was in them.
Here’s the point: The Philippians partnership in the gospel and their defense of the gospel proved that they knew the Lord. This “proof” was Paul confidence that God would finish what He started. If there are no demonstrations of a commitment to Jesus Christ in lives bended toward His glory and if there is a shying away of standing in and with the gospel, how is this evidence that the Lord is in them? Our hope that the Lord will finish what He started must rest in the visible signs that He actually started something! If a person has not signs of spiritual life in them verse 6 is not a promise for them.
It is absolutely true and without contradiction that we are saved by grace alone. It is equally true and also without contradiction that faith without words is not faith at all. God can only finish a work that has proof that it was already started.
Is there proof that Jesus started a good work in you?
Pastor Sherard